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Fees and Limits

Responsive Table with Bold Second Column
Services Fees
Account Registration Free
Cash-In Up to IQD 250,000: IQD 5,500
IQD 251,000 - IQD 500,000: IQD 7,000
IQD 501,000 - IQD 1,000,000: IQD 13,500
IQD 1,000,250 - IQD 2,000,000: IQD 27,000
IQD 2,000,250 - IQD 3,000,000: IQD 40,500
IQD 3,000,250 - IQD 4,000,000: IQD 54,000
IQD 4,000,250 - IQD 5,000,000: IQD 67,500
Money Transfer Minimum IQD 5,500
*subject to changes
Domestic In Store Purchase Minimum IQD 750 to 1%
Dormant Account Management Fee /m IQD 20,000
Online transaction fees (local sites) 1.5%
Domestic ATM Minimum IQD 5,500 or 1.5% + any additional charges that may be applied by ATM provider
International In Store Purchase Min. IQD 750 to 3.5% + any additional charges
Online transaction fees (foreign sites) 4%
International ATM Minimum IQD 15,000 / 6% fees
*subject to changes